Bites and Bottles owners, Bron and Colleen Tschumperlin along with J.D. and Stephanie Reese are proud to present their new wine/mead bar and a snack haven, kicking off the holiday season with a Fallon Chamber of Commerce Ribbon Cutting.
The shop featuring panini sandwiches, charcuterie boards of various sizes, as well as small individual boards, and is accompanied by a small bar that features local Nevada wineries and hard ciders. From the Sierra foothills, Nevada Sunset Winery and Sparks Engine 8 winery are the featured wines. Bites and Bottles also featuring hard ciders including Black Rabbit from Reno and Avid Cider based in Oregon.
For any questions or to place orders please contact Bites and Bottles at 775-866-2168 or on their website at
