The CCHS production of “The Wizard of Oz” is set to take place in the newly renovated CCHS Auditorium. Performances will be held on December 6, 7, 13, and 14 at 7 p.m., with matinees on Saturday, December 7 at 1 p.m. and Thursday, December 12 at 4:30 p.m. The production features a cast from various local schools, including students from CCHS, CCMS, Oasis Academy, Agape Church School, and homeschool programs spanning grades 6 to 12. Tickets for the performances are available for purchase online at
Last Thursday evening, Randi Orong’s STEAMLab students transformed the pit into an exciting space where students gathered for a glow dance. The event celebrated students' achievements and adherence to school-wide expectations during the first quarter while raising funds to support the STEAMLab. As students entered, they were greeted by vibrant neon lights and music, setting the perfect party atmosphere. The glow dance was a celebration for students and also a testament to CCMS’ strong school community. It was an opportunity for students to come together outside of school hours and enjoy a night of fun.
Students in Dominique Johnson’s class engaged in an exciting lesson focused on physical weathering, a critical geological process. Each group began their experiment with whole pieces of granite and conglomerate, two types of rock known for their durability. The students carefully shook the rocks in containers, simulating natural forces like wind and water that contribute to weathering. After shaking, they poured the contents onto paper plates, revealing the small fragments created through abrasion. Seeing even the toughest rocks broken down by simulated weathering was shocking.
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Last week, students in Marla Wood's class learned about spiders. They started the week by reading Gail Gibbons's book “Spiders.” The class was divided into groups, each assigned a specific type of spider. Students worked independently and in groups to learn and discuss their spiders before presenting their reports to the class.
The CCFD visited the school last week to celebrate Fire Safety Month. Students were thrilled to meet Sparky the Fire Dog and interact with local firefighters, who shared vital information on fire safety. Students learned essential tips on what to do in the event of a fire, the importance of smoke alarms, and how to recognize firefighters in their gear when they arrive to help.
Last week, NELC hosted its annual School at the Farm family engagement event. Students and their families went on a field trip to Lattin Farms, where the teachers led students and their families in several activities designed to educate students while having fun. NELC wants to thank all the families who attended this fun-filled day. Family engagement events like this one are essential for building connections between families and schools. They create opportunities for parents to be involved in their child's education and enhance students' learning experiences.
