Ernie Maguire and Cathy Lucero presented the Grant Agreement requests for the Churchill Area Regional Transportation (CART) program to the County Commissioners at the last Churchill County Commission meeting. Federal Transit Administration (FTA) provides formula grants for rural areas and small cities to support transit programs and services through the 5311 Grant. They also provide funding for buses and bus facilities through the 5339 Grant program.
Commissioners approved the grant submittal to the Nevada Department of Transportation for the FTA 5311 funds for Fiscal Year 2022 in the amount of $515,199 and FY 2023 in the amount of $520,604. The grant provides an 80/20 match for administration, a 95/5 match for maintenance, and a 59.38% federal share/40.62% local match for operational expenses. Maguire said with the CARES Act (Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act) money he has received; he is able to use the funds to provide the local match.
Additionally, Maguire will submit an FTA 5339 grant application for FY 22 to acquire two ambulatory wheelchair passenger buses for $149,302 with a 90/10% federal/local match. “We have to replace vehicles,” said Maguire, “I can’t run around with a wrench all the time.” It is more cost-effective to replace the vehicles than to fix them and he said he has been fortunate to continue finding the funding to do that.
Maguire said he has worked for CART for the past 21 years and Lucero for the past 20. While dealing with COVID this past year has been particularly challenging, he credits a committed, dedicated staff with providing commendable service to the community.
“For the last 21 years I have never been over budget,” said Maguire. “NDOT holds us accountable for our budget and the Division of Aging holds us responsible to the seniors.” Over that time period, Maguire has been able to acquire just over $8 million in federal grant funds for the CART program and has provided 554,000 rides. In the past year of COVID, CART provided 1800 rides, “helping people get out into the community and not be prisoners in their own homes,” he said.
There are many partners working with the CART program who Maguire said make it possible to continue providing this invaluable service including Churchill County, Social Services, and the Comptroller’s Office. He is able to provide training and technical assistance to other communities including Lyon County, Yerington, Winnemucca, and several tribes. “I’m super proud of our people who have continued to serve since COVID, “No one said they didn’t want to work or help,” he said. Only two of the staff, himself included caught the virus.
CART offers transportation both in town and to/from Reno for local community members. He said 39% of the rides are for employment, 31% for nutrition and groceries, and 14% for medical needs. Maguire said the rides were down during COVID, but only by 5%. “We socially distance as much as possible and sanitize several times a day, and wear masks. Our staff goes above and beyond to keep people safe.”