All information for the arrest log comes from the arrest reports provided by the New River Township Justice Court and is considered by law to be public information. All subjects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.Warrant Bookings
Dylon Lorow, Churchill Sheriff; Fallon Municipal Court
Alaska Hoferer, Churchill Sheriff; Fallon Municipal Court
Jesse Wood, Fallon Police; New River Justice Court
Tyree Clements, Fallon Police; Tonopah Justice Court
Caleb Casey, Churchill Sheriff; New River Justice Court (X3)
Cody Lehman, Churchill Sheriff; New River Justice Court
Katy Chambers, Churchill Sheriff; Fallon Municipal Court
Travis Steve, Churchill Sheriff; Reno Justice Court, New River Justice Court
David Billips, Churchill Sheriff; New River Justice Court
Kyle Nagle, Fallon Police; New River Justice Court
Dylon Lorow, Churchill Sheriff; possession of controlled substance, probation violation
Caleb Casey, Churchill Sheriff; burglary, punishment for attempts, petit larceny
Alex Bundensen, Fallon Police; Drive suspended/revoked
Jillian Sasser, Parole & Probation; probation violation
David Billips, Churchill Sheriff; carrying concealed weapon, possession electronic stun device, possession controlled substance, resist/obstruct/delay
Carlis Gragg, Fallon Police; basic speed, resist/obstruct/delay
Travis Steve, Churchill Sheriff; Bail revocation felony burglary, bail revocation (misd) domestic battery (2nd), bail revocation (misd) domestic battery
Victor Ornelas, Nevada Highway Patrol; basic speed, drive suspend/revoked, registration violation
Timothy Miller, Task Force; possession controlled substance, possession drug paraphernalia
Sebastien Landers, Churchill Sheriff; domestic battery
Emily Weber, Churchill Sheriff; DUI, driving left of center, use/possession of intoxicant
Cruz Quiroz, Fallon Tribal Police; drawing weapon/threatening, assault with deadly weapon, child abuse
Anthony Welch, Churchill Sheriff; notify police of unattended property, DUI, open container in motor vehicle, resist/obstruct/delay
Mary Baltazar, Fallon Police; purchase/consumption by a minor, carrying concealed weapon
Kristin Scott, Task Force; possession controlled substance, possession of drug paraphernalia, obstructing public officer
Casey Johns, Churchill Sheriff; burglary X3, possession of burglary tools, injury to property of another, tampering with motor vehicle, punishment for attempts, grand larceny of motor vehicle, petit larceny
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