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Monday, February 3, 2025 at 7:00 AM

County Commission Wrap-up

County Commission Wrap-up
by Rachel Dahl --  Bus Scharmann was recognized at the last county commission meeting for his support and extensive work with the Nevada Department of Transportation. Presented by the new NDOT director, Kristina Swallow recognized Scharmann “for his leadership and passion.” She has been traveling around the state introducing herself and recognizing the “transportation champions” in each community. Commissioners heard a report from NDOT on the activities and status of the 2018-19 NDOT workplan for Churchill County and asked to modify the top two county priorities for the 2019-20 workplan. Last year NDOT worked on the Sheckler/Highway 50 intersection and will complete that work, including a traffic signal, by next summer. NDOT staff has also worked on and will complete by October, the scoping work on the Maine Street/Highway 95 intersection, which will provide estimates for the costs of improvements, allowing that project to be programmed into the NDOT schedule. Commissioners agreed to modify the top priorities for the 2019-20 workplan, moving the Sherman/Highway 50 intersection to number one, and the US 95/Sheckler intersection to number two. The Lions Club Junior Rodeo was represented by Jennifer Peek who brought her two sons to make a presentation and request a contribution to the rodeo which will be held the weekend of August 30th. The rodeo runs for three days and is very popular with contestants across the west for the two long runs and one short run offered for an entry fee of $25. Organizers expect over 150 contestants. Commissioners made a $2,500 contribution to the rodeo. Shannon Ernst, director of the county social service department explained and requested funding for several programs administered by her office.
  • Commissioners approved the 2020 agreement with the state housing division for welfare set aside funding in the amount of $10,719.
  • Commissioners approved the Interlocal contract between the county and the state Division of Child and Family Services for $734,485.
  • Commissioners ratified and accepted $15,750 from the US Department of Agriculture for a vehicle purchase for the county Crisis Intervention Program.
  • Commissioners accepted a grant from the Healthy Nevada program to provide the Resource Liaison Program in the amount of $136,986.
  • Commissioners approved a funding agreement between Carson Tahoe Behavioral Health Center and the county for $46,561.
Pat Whitten and Barry Stewart, representing the Lahontan Valley Claybreakers, the local youth trapshooting club made a report on their recent season and requested a $2,000 contribution. Commissioners awarded the donation and recognized the accomplishments of the shooters and the work of the club leaders. A presentation was made by representatives of EnviroSafe Demil, LLC, a company that provides transportable pollution abatement and air cleaning services. They were approved by resolution, for a direct sale of county property located 15 miles north of Fallon. Two parcels will be sold to EnviroSafe for a total of $106,000. Because their project will provide economic development benefits, there is no requirement for a public auction. Geof Stark requested permission to address the safety concerns in the assessor’s office by modifying the emergency exit that currently flows directly through the assessor’s office using funding from a POOL/PACT risk management grant in the amount of $35,737. The county will provide a 25% match for a total of $11,912. Zip Upham, Chairman of the Cantaloupe Festival and Country Fair made a presentation to commissioners about the work of the Fallon Festival Association in their preparations for the festival this year. The committee requested and received a $10,000 contribution from commissioners. Sherry Wideman presented the Debt Management Policy for fiscal year 2019-20, and it was approved by commissioners. Bob Getto made the second quarter report on the progress and activities of the public administrator. He said his office has been quite busy, with 18 open cases, which is the most he has ever had. He also discussed legislation passed during the legislative session, SB 460, which abolishes the elected public administrator in counties under 100,000 population. The bill allows counties to now decide if they will keep the position as elected or bring in-house under a specific department. The bill was supported by Nevada Association of Counties, primarily because rural counties are having so much trouble finding someone who is willing to run for and fulfill the duties of the office. Sherry Wideman, Comptroller, requested and received the approval to transfer $300,000 from CC Communications to Churchill County as a result of the passage of SB 341. The bill, passed in the last legislative session, provides an exemption from the limitations on enterprise funds to be transferred to the general fund of local governments. Shannon Ernst requested the approval of a grant agreement from the state department of Health and Human Services in the amount of $21,854 to provide family resource activities. The county is providing a unique parenting class through the Juvenile Probation Department that has been very successful. Wideman reported that the county recently received $560,000 for the work during the 2017 flood on the “big dig”, which bring the total received to $867,000. Stay tuned to www.TheFallonPost.org for expanded stories on many of the above actions.       Never miss the local news -- read more on The Fallon Post home page. If you enjoy The Fallon Post, please support our effort to provide local, independent news and make a contribution today.  Your contribution makes possible this online news source for all things Fallon.


