The sunrise is so beautiful this morning. We got a sneak peek at beautiful Spring last weekend, and this weekend, we spring forward. Hallelujah.
Last weekend, we also celebrated the life of another dear friend, Mike Mackedon. He was a tribute to our community in the quiet life he lived, a model to his family and his friends. He was humble and a master of words, both spoken and written, and I learned a great deal from him over the years. Three generations of his family honored him graciously with the gifts he left them; an appreciation for knowledge, the ability to use language beautifully, and their memories of his lifetime lived well around the family table and in the wild outdoors.
It was all anyone of us could ask of life.
Today, I close the chapter on what was a very fun part of life. My federal service has come to an end, and my complete focus has turned to building these newspapers. What an amazing opportunity to be a part of building Rural Nevada, and to work with a really talented group of people. I leave with some sadness – you’re never completely satisfied with the end result. I always wish I could have done more.
But, grateful nonetheless for the opportunity and for the place it put us with the papers.
New beginnings. New focus. Growing with the new moon into this next phase. One continuous turn. The only thing constant is change.
So, while I sit here enjoying this morning, remembering all the good friends who’ve moved on to their new adventures, I’ll be right here…
…Keeping you Posted.
My joy is at its zenith, and all is right with the world.
