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Tuesday, March 25, 2025 at 1:29 PM

Tenth Judicial District Court Tuesday, January 28, Judge Thomas Stockard Presiding

Christopher Paul Zimmer appeared for a Status Hearing, having previously pleaded guilty to Category C Felony Non-support of a Spouse, Former Spouse, or a Child, which is punishable by 1-5 years in prison and a fine of up to $10,000. On June 11, the state reported Zimmer was in arrears $11,000. The court continued the matter, allowing Zimmer to get current on his payments. Zimmer's case will proceed to sentencing as he has not met the terms of the court order regarding his payments. Judge Stockard ordered a Pre-Sentence Investigation (PSI) and set sentencing for April 1.   

Kenneth Jermaine Estrada pleaded guilty to Category B Felony of Failure to Stop on the Signal of a Peace Officer, which is punishable by 1-6 years in a Nevada State Prison and a fine up to $5,000. Judge Stockard ordered a PSI and set sentencing for April 1. At the request of Churchill County Public Defender (CCPD), Jacob Sommer, Judge Stockard provisionally placed Estrada into the Western Nevada Regional Drug Court specialty program.  

David Bryan Finley, in custody, pleaded guilty to Category B Felony of Driving Under the Influence of an Intoxicating Liquor or a Controlled or Prohibited Substance, a Third or Subsequent Offense, which is punishable by 1-6 years in prison and a fine of $2,000 to $5,000. The charge carries a mandatory sentence unless the defendant applies for and is admitted to the DUI Diversion Program. Finley also pleaded guilty to Category B Felony of Failure to Stop on the Signal of a Peace Officer, punishable by 1-6 years and a fine of up to $5,000. A PSI was ordered, with sentencing set for April 1.   

Nathaniel Arnold Slaamot, in custody, pleaded guilty Pursuant to Alford for Category B Felony Reckless Driving Causing Death or Substantial Bodily Harm. The charge is punishable by 1-6 years and a $2,000 to $5,000 fine. An Alford Plea allows a defendant to accept the full penalties of a guilty plea, without admitting guilt.

Steve Evenson, Esq., defense counsel for Slaamot, told the court that there were two individuals in a vehicle that was involved in an accident, both may have been under the influence. He questioned the evidence as to which one may have been driving, stating that it could be refuted.

Chief Deputy District Attorney Lane Mills said the driver was going 15 to 24 miles over the speed limit, was unable to maintain the lane, lost control, and rolled the car, the other individual was thrown, and the defendant admitted driving. 

Judge Stockard noted that Slaamot also has two existing cases for which he is on probation. Under the terms of the plea agreement, he admitted to Non-Technical Sentencing Violations (failure to meet the terms of probation). Judge Stockard ordered a PSI, provisionally placed Slaamot in Drug Court, and set sentencing for April 29.   

Dylan Ethan Dennis, in custody, denied committing a Non-Technical Sentencing Violation. Dennis received probation in March on charges of Conspiracy to Commit Battery with a Deadly Weapon, a gross misdemeanor, and a Category D Felony of Battery by a Prisoner in Lawful Custody. The court set an Evidentiary Hearing for March 6.  

Darren Scott Evans, in custody, admitted to a Non-Technical Sentencing Violation regarding numerous violations, including absconding. According to Senior Deputy DA Chelsea Sanford, Evans received probation on a suspended sentence on January 10, 2023, on charges of Conspiracy to Commit a Felony Crime Under the Uniform Controlled Substance Act. 

Evans was supposed to check in with the Division of Parole and Probation (P&P) by November 17 and did not do so. Sanford said he had absconded for at least 297 days, noting he had not complied with the probation terms. Sanford asked that Evans’ probation be revoked and that he serve the underlying sentence of 19-48 months.

CCPD Jacob Sommer stated, "Plain and simple, I rarely get to talk to clients who take such full and fair responsibility for their actions." Sommer shared that due to some very unfortunate circumstances, Evans had been taking care of his invalid brother here in Fallon during his absconding; he knows this is not an excuse and should have stayed in contact. Sommer said they were not asking for reinstatement but for modifying the sentence to 13-48 months. 

Judge Stockard revoked Evans's probation, modified the sentence to 13-48 months, and remanded him to the custody of the Churchill County Sheriff for imposition of the sentence.  

Donald James Knight appeared for a Change of Plea Hearing. On August 6, Knight pled not guilty to I) DUI; II) Battery by a Probationer, Parolee, or a Prisoner in Lawful Custody; III) Resisting, Delaying, or Obstructing an Officer; and IV) Driving while License is Canceled, Revoked, or Suspended. Knight entered a No Contest plea to the Category B DUI Third, punishable by 1-6 years and a $ 2000-$5,000 fine. This charge is mandatory prison unless the defendant applies for and is granted the privilege of the DUI Diversion Program. Judge Stockard ordered PSI and set sentencing for April 29. 



David Allen Wright: Sentencing/Status Hearing continued to February 11. 

Darrin Ray Dummer: Sentencing Violation Hearing continued until March 25.  





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