A Lyon County District Court judge ordered a competency evaluation for Adam Elijah Miller on January 13. The 19-year-old allegedly attacked his parents with a knife in their home on Farm District Rd on December 18.
Miller’s father, Lance Miller, died of his wounds, and his mother, Elizabeth Miller, was seriously injured in the incident. Miller is facing charges of Open Murder with the Use of a Deadly Weapon, a Category A Felony, punishable by 20-50 years to life in prison, with or without the possibility of parole, and could even call for the death penalty. He is also accused of Attempted Murder with the Use of a Deadly Weapon, a Category B Felony punishable by 2 to 20 years. Other charges include Concealing Evidence and Domestic Battery.
The initial order came from Fernley’s Canal Justice Court Judge Lori Matheus on December 31, after Patrick Mansfield, Esq., the attorney appointed to represent Miller, requested the case be waived up to the District Court so that Miller could be assessed.
At the January 13 hearing, the court ordered a competency evaluation and an early March status hearing to review the findings. In Nevada, legal competency standards require that defendants understand the charges against and the legal process before them, and can rationally and effectively participate in their defense.
Competency evaluations are not uncommon in murder cases to ensure defendants are fit to stand trial. If found competent, Miller’s case will return to Fernley Justice Court, where it originated, before officially transferring to the Third Judicial District Court until concluded.
If Miller is not initially determined competent, professional staff at Lake’s Crossing in Reno will work to treat him to a level of competency as established by NRS. Lake’s Crossing is a Nevada State maximum-security psychiatric facility that provides forensic mental health services. This process often takes months or longer. In some cases, individuals cannot meet competency requirements and remain under the care of treating physicians indefinitely.
