It is not often we get surprised, however a few days ago we received a phone call that surprised us. The caller was Miss Margie, a kindhearted and generous soul who as it turns out is a big supporter of K-9 programs and the difference they make in communities. During the conversation Miss Margie advised us that she wished to donate $20,000 to our K-9 program.
On Wednesday, December 18, K-9 handler Noel Ugalde and K-9 Tokos along with the administration of the Sheriff’s Office met with Miss Margie who graciously presented us with a check in the amount of $20,000 for our K-9 program.
Miss Margie, we are extremely grateful for the generosity and compassion shown to us through this most gracious gift. Thank you is hardly enough to say for we are blessed by your kind and generous spirit and the people of Churchill County are in your debt as we will utilize these funds to assist with and enhance our narcotics detection and suppression efforts.
