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Wednesday, March 26, 2025 at 3:39 AM

Captain’s Log –

Captain’s Log –

Not to get anyone’s hopes up, but there may be pretty little Angora beanies in some stockings this year!!! 

We are making yarn. In copious amounts. And by “we,” I mean me. Me and these nine little bunnies of mine out at the Boyer Bunny Ranch. It’s so soft and actually quite beautiful. I don’t want to wreck it with my rookie attempts at knitting. But Gramma Nelda has promised help and she and I will be sitting down soon for some tutelage. 

I still have boxes of fiber stacked in the garage to get to that I’ve been plucking over the past how many years since I first got Delilah? Three and a half years. I had to look back in my photos for the day I was driving home with her from Salt Lake.

And, of course, these little rabbits have to be continually groomed and plucked. There is no shortage of potential yarn, just a shortage of time.

As with everything.

Speaking of which, since it’s cold, I was fairly sure the egg-laying was over, but this morning, when I went to let everyone out, there were two eggs in one of the little cubbies! I’m feeding them this magic Promega chicken feed, and voilà.

Probably they’ve been laying all along, at least the older ones, but we free-range out here and so who knows where all eggs are stashed. Sometimes I find them on the lawn, just randomly left in a depression in the grass. It’s like Easter at the Bunny Ranch half the time.

Speaking of the Boyer Bunny Ranch. A funny thing happened on the way to my YouTube channel.

I’ve wanted to make a channel for my bunnies and plucking fiber and spinning it into yarn for quite a while now. Finally, one day this summer, I sat down and just turned the camera on while I was spinning yarn and chatted with my make-believe followers while wearing a flamingo apron, no make-up, and my hair in a welfare bun. The idea was just to get something that I could practice editing on and then upload a video and get started. To heck with being ready or knowing what you’re doing – as you all have learned by now, that’s how things work with me.

Once I got the video recorded, I realized I should probably make a specific bunny channel instead of just Rachel, so I made a cute little graphic for the thumbnail and set it all up and, of course, called The Boyer Bunny Ranch because that’s what we always call it here in the Captain’s Log.

Then, I sent links to my sisters so they could check it out.

One of them couldn’t get the link to work, so she searched up “Boyer Bunny Ranch,” and as you can imagine, us being from this part of the world, there was a plethora of bunny ranches. Only no fiber-producing yard-making bunny ranches – these were the pink satin and fishnet stocking version of bunny ranches.

But what are you going to do – I just left it, maybe I’ll get followers from Toledo who are looking for ladies of the evening and catch me spinning yarn while spinning yarns and decide that’s more entertaining. It could happen. When I told this story to my friends at the church potluck a couple of weeks ago, they were pretty entertained.

So, while we pluck angora fiber and spin it into yarn, gather eggs, and knit stocking caps, we’ll still be right here… 

… Keeping you Posted.





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Pat Lee 11/15/2024 08:16 AM
I would love to see the video,,could you include it in the paper?