Shane Michael Namuth, in custody, pleaded guilty to Category E Felony of Possession of a Controlled Substance (methamphetamine), a first or second offense, which is punishable by 1-4 years in a Nevada State Prison and a fine up to $5,000. Churchill County Public Defender Jacob Sommer asked the court to permit Namuth to the Western Regional Drug Court program, pending a substance evaluation. Court Services Director Brenda Ingram reported that Namuth tested positive for methamphetamine on August 29. Judge Stockard ordered daily check-ins and a substance abuse evaluation, agreeing to Namuth's provisional placement in Drug Court.
Franklin Patrick Norcutt pleaded not guilty to the Category B Felony of Involuntary Servitude, punishable by 5-20 years in prison and a fine of up to $50,000, and to two counts of the Category D Felony of Extortion, each punishable by 1-10 years and a fine up to $10,000. Steve Evenson, Esq., defense counsel for Norcutt, told the court he will be filing a Writ of Habeas Corpus. Judge Stockard explained that filing the pre-trial writ requires the defendant to waive his right to a speedy trial, to which Norcutt consented. Stockard set the trial for March 27-April 4, 2025.
Nicole Eileen Skillings was not present for her status hearing. Court officials reported that she had yet to contact her attorney or check in with Court Services. Skillings pled guilty to Category C Possession of a Stolen Motor Vehicle on August 13 and is scheduled to appear for sentencing on October 15. A $25,000 cash bench warrant was issued.
Kayden John Kelly, in custody, pleaded guilty to the Category B Felony of Battery with a Deadly Weapon Causing Substantial Bodily Harm to a Victim aged 60 Years or Older, punishable by 2-15 years in prison and a fine of up to $10,000. The charge includes a sentencing enhancement due to the victim's age, which could extend the penalty by 1-15 years.
Kayden was initially charged in Justice Court with Attempted Murder in which the Criminal Complaint alleged that he willfully and unlawfully, with malice and aforethought, deliberately and with premeditation, used a box cutter or knife to cut the victim's throat. The Criminal Complaint filed in District Court on September 10 cites the charge as Battery, in which Kelly stands accused of using force or violence, use of a deadly weapon to attempt to batter the victim by cutting her throat, causing substantial bodily harm. Stockard ordered a Pre-Sentencing Investigation (PSI) and set sentencing for November 19.
