Capri Alise Drake, born July 1 to Gabrielle Switzer and James Drake, weighing 7 lbs., 6 oz., measuring 19.75 inches.
Heidi Lou Egeland, born July 2 to Lou Jane and Matt Egeland, weighing 6 lbs., 13 oz., measuring 19.75 inches.
Kyrah Lee Brown, born July 3 to Alexis Lee Provstgaard and Nathanyal J. Brown, weighing
7 lbs., 1.4 oz., measuring 20½ inches.
Kalaya Maria-Louise Heiser, born July 4 to Alyssa and Cory Heiser, weighing 6 lbs., 7 oz., measuring 19 inches.
Amaia Rayne Harnack, born July 5, to Keli Paragin and Mike Harnack, weighing 7 lbs., 6 oz., measuring 19.5 inches.
Amelia Irene Smith, born July 8 to Madison and Michael Smith, weighing 6 lbs., 7 oz., measuring 19.5 inches.
Camden Patrick Ayala, born July 13 to Sydney and Patrick Ayala, weighing 7 lbs., 9 oz., measuring 19 inches.
Jase Mitchell Whitaker, born July 16 to Angelina and Mitchell Whitaker, weighing 6 lbs., 5 oz., measuring 19.5 inches.
Steven Michael Moore, born July 26 to Chelsea and Preston Moore, weighing 8 lbs., 11.9 oz., measuring 20 inches.
Cyrus Garvey Norris, born July 29 to Elizabeth Clarke and Shawn Norris, weighing 8 lbs., 1 oz., measuring 21 inches.
Hannah Maeve Estelle Bailey, born July 30 to Ashley and Chase Bailey, weighing 6 lbs., 11 oz., measuring 20 inches.