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Thursday, March 6, 2025 at 6:21 PM

Captain – Thank You Notes and Love Letters

Captain – Thank You Notes and Love Letters

It’s usually the one thing that falls by the wayside as we tear through life, slowing down long enough to express our gratitude. I got a thank you note in the mail last week from a niece. It reminded me of when I was a little girl, and my Aunt Cathy would write thank you notes. For everything. 

She had a darling little writing desk all appropriated for the social necessity, indeed, The Art of The Thank You Note. She had heavy linen embossed envelopes with her return address on the back flap, in glossy raised, blue lettering. The note cards would be different often, sometimes a script initial, sometimes a very stoic block lettering of her entire name – Catherine Barker Roth. The Third, I sometimes felt it should say, as the regalness of it all impressed my child-self. 

Our mom, of course, required us to write thank you notes to grandparents for Christmas and birthday gifts and always to Aunt Cathy. 

When I first started the paper I had some note cards made for The Fallon Post and I would regularly send them out, sitting at the end of the day thanking those of you who sent money to support us with your “subscription” or those of you who took a chance on advertising, first online and then as we eased ourselves into print. 

There is still a little stash of those notecards left, staring at me from the left-knee shelf of my desk at the shop. Every so often I will grab a few and stash them in my bag to send out. Alas, I don’t make time to make a grocery list anymore. 

But do not mistake that for ingratitude. 

We were talking the other day about our subscribers – real ones nowadays, both online and print and our advertisers and how grateful we are to have you all. Also, our grad edition this year turned out so well, and we owe our ability to do that for our community and our kids to all of you who place an ad in that thing. Thank you. 

Our ability to even get this paper out every week is only possible because you subscribe and you buy ads and you buy the paper for a dollar at the store. 

And when you send us your little notes and emails and even your texts, know that we save every one of them. There is a wall in the office where we hang them, and on rough days we go read them to make ourselves feel better. 

Here is text from Sonya the other day: “Beyond amazing paper, you really knocked it out of the park when you did all the work you did for the graduates. It is so very very nice, thank you.”

On a personal level, besides all of the above, I’m really grateful for the little band of crazies who are The Fallon Post team/family. It’s mostly the scariest thing I’ve ever done to be financially responsible for people’s jobs. And those of you who know me, know I’m not afraid of anything. So every day they show up and work as hard as I do on this paper and believe in it as hard as I do, I am amazed and full of the kind of gratitude that takes your breath away and makes your eyes leak. 

So while I sit hear yet again with salt water on my keyboard, know we will remain right here…

…Keeping you Posted.




