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Sunday, March 30, 2025 at 6:49 PM


Public Works Project # PWP-CH-2024-286 MEDIA POSTING – INVITATION TO BID

Notice is hereby given that Oasis Academy Public Charter School (“the Owner”) is requesting bids for the construction of a classroom addition to its current K-8 facility located in Fallon, Nevada. Bids must be sealed and received by 4pm on May 14, 2024, at the school office located at 920 W. Williams Ave, Ste. 100, Fallon, NV 89406. Please send bids attention Dusty Casey, CFO. Only original paper copies of bids will be accepted; no oral, digital/electronic, facsimile, or other format will be considered. School leadership will open the sealed bids at 3:00pm on May 15, and will award or reject bids within approximately one week following the bid opening. The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all bids.

The project scope will consist of the construction of 3 additional classrooms to match existing adjacent classrooms in a space currently empty inside the existing K-8 facility located at 920 W. Williams Ave. Upon award and execution of contract with the winning bidder, construction is expected to begin on May 28th after the conclusion of the school year the 
previous week (last day of school is May 23rd). The owner is looking for a 60-day substantial completion time. Bids should include all necessary HVAC, electrical, structural, hardware, fixtures and finishes to ensure functional classrooms upon completion in accordance with existing school operations. Please note the following changes to the plans and scope of work:

• Electrical sub-contractor will be required to submit all drawings & specifications necessary for permit.
• HVAC scope of work is limited to RTU-1 and all associated work that services the 3 new classrooms. RTU-2 and all associated work above the existing classroom has already beencompleted, and therefore deleted from this scope of work. Gas and electrical conduit hasbeen prepped for RTU-1; HVAC & electrical subcontractors are responsible to verify the
work previously completed.

All contractors must be licensed, bonded and insured in accordance with NRS338, and those requirements listed in the bid documents. Furthermore, contractors will need to comply with all State of Nevada Public Works regulations, including prevailing wage rates and reporting requirements, along with any other requirements by the State of Nevada, Churchill County and City of Fallon. Bid documents can be found online at the school’s website www.oanv.org.

An OPTIONAL pre-bid walkthrough for contractors will be conducted on April 23rd at 3pm on site. Clarifying details and schedules not expressly indicated in the plans will be discussed at the walkthrough. Any further RFIs and inquiries are to be directed to Frame Architecture, attention Roy Nelson, [email protected], 775-737-0195.

Oasis Academy
920 W. Williams Ave. Suite 100
Fallon, NV 89406
(775) 423-5437

Published on The Fallon Post website on April 11, 2024.
Ad #6199


