During the March 20 Churchill County Commission meeting, 11 employees were recognized for their years of service to this community.
Two long-serving retiring employees, Human Resources Director Geof Stark and Building Official Marie Henson, were honored for their combined 49 years of service to the community with gifts and remarks from County Manager Jim Barbee. Stark’s final day with the county was March 23, while Henson will leave in May. County staff had the opportunity to thank them both at a reception held in their honor later that evening.
Raeburn Sottile, Curator at the Churchill County Museum, was recognized by the Commissioners for his outstanding work designing and assembling the branding iron display at the Rafter 3C Arena in time for a special dedication event on February 16, 2024.
The following employees were honored for their tenure of service to the county:
Five years of service:
Leticia Orozco-Padilla, District Attorney’s Office
Raeburn Sottile, Museum
Marilyn Moore, Museum
Elizabeth Webb, Community Activities/Parks & Recreation
15 years of service:
Denise Mondhink-Felton, Assessor
20 years of service:
Donna Cossette, Museum
Paul Loop, Sheriff’s Office
25 years of service:
Arthur Mallory, District Attorney
Richard Hickox, Sheriff
Each quarter, the Commissioners present plaques and lapel pins to county employees for every five years of service to our local community.

The next employee recognition event will be at the second Commissioners’ meeting in June 2024.