Jillian Jean Sasser, in custody, appeared in the Tenth Judicial District Court on Tuesday, February 20, before Judge Thomas Stockard for violating the terms of her probation.
Sasser, who is currently pregnant, admitted to a Technical Sentencing Violation of using drugs while on probation. As this is her second violation, the court may revoke her probation for up to 90 days. Parole & Probation Specialist Landis told the court they were concerned about her behavior. “It's very discouraging and disappointing. I wish that we could ask for more than ninety days for her safety and the baby's safety.”
DDA Sanford told the court, “This is probably one of the lengthiest violation reports seen before this court. It's very well detailed. It tells a lot of the offenses and grievances, and frankly, offensive behaviors.” Sandford asked that Sasser’s probation be revoked for 90 days, stating, “I don’t know what other treatment programs there could even be available to this defendant.” Judge Stockard asked Landis about Step 2, a long-term treatment program for women and mothers, who told him that Sasser completed 42 days, then went into outpatient for three weeks. She then said it did not work with her employment and quit her employment also. Landis told the Court, “We are out of options. And really, it's one of those things where it has to be on Jillian; you'd think that being pregnant, she would understand that.” CCPD Sommer told the court, “We are not going to oppose the recommendation of 90 days. We’re not going to ask the court to release her. She knows that her behavior was - and this isn’t the right word - but it’s reprehensible, and there's no excuse for it.”
Sasser told the court she is very sorry; she is ashamed, and she needs help. “To be pregnant and using, I am so ashamed and embarrassed.” Judge Stockard temporarily revoked Sasser's probation, sentencing her to 90 days in the Churchill County Jail. Stockard told the defendant, “As a tribal member, you have a lot of options that not everyone has …Nobody can want this more than you. We'll either see you back, or you'll be successful.”
