Julie Guerrero-Goetsch has announced her intention to run for Churchill County Commission, District 1, the seat currently held by Commissioner Justin Heath, who has decided he will not run for re-election.
Goetsch currently serves as the county's administrative services manager and has worked for the county for 20 years. “I work with all county departments, the County Manager, and the commissioners,” she said. “I understand property rights, water resources, small businesses, and the value of local government serving local community interest.”
If she is successful in her bid for the District 1 seat, she will retire from her current position with the county.
Goetsch has lived in Churchill County for 24 years, and her children were born and raised here. She is married to Brad Goetsch, who served in the Navy for 27 years and retired as the Commanding Officer of Naval Air Station Fallon.
“I have worked for every county commissioner since Commissioner Jim Regan,” said Goetsch, including Gwen Washburn, who served a 16-year term before term limits were instituted. “This has given me the unique opportunity to observe and work directly with many board members over the years. I am supported and endorsed by Commissioner Justin Heath and Commissioner Bus Scharmann.”
With two open commission seats, Goetsch says this is a unique time in our leadership history. “Come January, when those seats are sworn in, our senior sitting commissioner will have two years of service. Now more than ever, experience matters.”
The Conservation Easement program is a project Goetsch has worked on for many years, of which she is very proud. Bringing together the Navy, the command at NAS Fallon, and agricultural landowners to help protect ag land, water rights, and the buffer area around NAS Fallon has secured thousands of acres of land and water in the Lahontan Valley. “This program supports agriculture and the military, two of our economic pillars which, along with renewable energy and our incredible local businesses, make up the backbone of Churchill’s economy.”
She says the most satisfying part of her job is helping others. “I am very passional about youth; our children and grandchildren are the future of this community. Being a county commissioner will afford me the opportunity to continue serving others in an even bigger way.”
Goetsch was elected to the Churchill County School Board of Trustees in 2022, where she serves on the Budget Advisory Committee and the Policy Committee. She is the Chairman of the County’s Insurance Advisory Committee and the Recording Clerk for the Fallon/Churchill Fire Board. She has served as the President of the Fallon Navy League and the Employee Management Committee. She is also a member of the Churchill County Republican Central Committee.
Filing for open seats in the 2024 election will open on March 4 and close on March 15. For more information, contact the Churchill County Clerk at 423-6028 or visit the elections website at churchillcountynv.gov/115/Elections.
