Native American Heritage Month includes drum dances, demonstrations, displays of Native American cultural items, assemblies, dress up days, and presentation by local groups.
LES: November 16th @ 9:45 a.m. - The Fallon Paiute Shoshone Tribe (FPST) drum & dance group will perform for the school.
ECB: November 9th @ 1:30 p.m. - The Fallon Paiute Shoshone Tribe (FPST) drum & dance group will perform for the school.
NUMA: November 17th @ 8:30 a.m. - The Fallon Paiute Shoshone Tribe (FPST) drum & dance group will perform for the school.
Numa has also asked their students to bring in items that represent their culture and are connected to their heritage, which will be displayed the entire month of November in a glass display case in the front hall of the school.
CCMS: November 17 (two performances) @ 11:20 a.m. & 12:05 p.m. - The Fallon Paiute Shoshone Tribe (FPST) drum & dance group will perform for the school.
CCHS: November 15 - Students will be released to the gym at 9:51 a.m. for the Native American Heritage Month assembly to start at 10.
MC: Adrian Tom (FPST CLC Education Specialist & Title VI Parent Advisory Committee President)
Order of events:
Pyramid Lake Veterans will present the flags and explain what the flags represent and why.
FPST Drum Group & Dance Group will perform.
The speaker or Storyteller will talk about Mocs since it is Rock Your Mocs’ Day.
Presentation to the Pyramid Lake Veterans Group of a donation raised by CCHS JROTC students.
Retiring of the flags from the assembly
DRESS-UP DAYS AT CCHS for Native American Week:
November 13 - Every Child Matters/ Wear your Orange today!
November 14 - "Bling Out" Day - Celebrating Native American Jewelry
November 15 - Rock Your Mocs/Assembly
November 16 - Represent your Tribe day
November 17 - MMIW - Wear Ribbon shirts and skirts
