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Thursday, March 13, 2025 at 11:22 PM

NASF Range Expansion Leads to NDOT Roadway Changes

NASF Range Expansion Leads to NDOT Roadway Changes

Author: Courtesy NAS Fallon

The Nevada Department of Transportation’s virtual public information meeting began July 3 to gather public feedback on alternatives to realign State Route 361 between Gabbs and Middlegate in advance of the future expansion of the Navy’s Fallon Range Training Complex. The public can view the project information and provide comments by visiting the virtual public meeting at dot.nv.gov/SR361 anytime between July 3 and August 4, 2023. Both English and Spanish language versions are available.
An in-person open house public meeting was held Tuesday, July 18 between 4-7 p.m. at the Fallon Convention Center, 100 Campus Way, with the formal presentation beginning at 5:30 p.m.
Anyone needing additional assistance with access to the meeting can contact 705-232-5288 or send an email to [email protected].
The meeting is to let the traveling public, business owners, and residents know about the proposed roadway realignment alternatives and the potential impacts of each alternative, as well as the next steps in the process, and to solicit public feedback regarding the development and evaluation of the alternatives. The meeting is being held in cooperation with the Bureau of Land Management, the Federal Highway Administration, and the U. S. Navy.
SR 361 connects U.S. 95 south of Hawthorne to U.S. 50 at Middlegate, east of Fallon. A portion of SR 361 is within the U.S. Navy’s Fallon Range Training Complex future expansion area. The road will be moved outside the expansion area for public safety. A recommended new realignment would move the highway eastward for approximately 13 miles between Gabbs and Middlegate. The potential new alignments are not projected to add notable travel time or distance.
This initial planning-level study, known as the SR 361 Alignment Alternative Development Study, is a Planning and Environmental Linkages study to gather feedback to identify and screen several potential routes for the new section of roadway.
Information and recommendations from the study will be used in the subsequent environmental study to be completed before construction. Future phases of the project will include additional public outreach and detailed design and environmental review information.
NDOT receives funding for the realignment process from the U.S. Navy via the Federal Highway Administration.
This planning and public outreach process is specific to the realignment of SR 361. For more information on the Navy’s Fallon Range Training Complex expansion, visit https://frtcmodernization.com.



