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Wednesday, February 26, 2025 at 10:01 AM

Heaven on Earth Horoscopes

Heaven on Earth Horoscopes

June 9 - 15 

This week we may still be feeling the influence of passive conflict within relationships, but now we turn our attention towards our future horizon. How will we meet who we are becoming? How will you face your next event horizon? Hopefully, with love. 

Aries — let go of the worst-case scenario, you’ve already set something into motion, now it’s time to believe in your power to make it happen. You’re being guided to use your light of forgiveness. Focus on thinking about the issue you have been avoiding. Facing this is the way forward and the way to believe in your ability for reconciliation.  

Taurus — your strength is so positive this week and is still carrying the spirit of cooperation. But there also may be lingering feelings you haven’t yet been able to move on from. Use your optimistic strength to move forward by facing the unknown, letting go of what you cannot control, and allowing yourself to fully express your feelings. 

Gemini — keeping the peace is the strength you’ll have this week to move forward through doubt and overthinking. Focus on having faith in your ability to emotionally support yourself and through this you will be able to extend that support to others. Silence, holding your tongue, is a success in faith and surrender. 

Cancer — it may seem like a never-ending story this week, but you have the power to direct your thoughts into productive action. Let go of the old story you have been telling yourself and rely on your strength and ability to overcome patterns of sabotaging behavior. Focus your energy on bringing an end to conflict and be done with it. 

Leo — this is a high-energy week for you with strong influences to talk to a "certain someone” whether they reach out or you still have unresolved issues with this person. Your blind spot is unresolved feelings of injustice. Focus on the way forward by taking time for yourself to think things over before you make a decision. 

Virgo — things don’t have to be perfect in order for you to enjoy them. Let go of the idea of perfection and focus on participating in what is already present in your life. You’ll have the strength to recognize where you can take better care of what you already have, including the people you love and value. Be present, be grateful. 

Libra — an insecurity around feeling supported may have you acting out for attention or to be heard. But this week gives you the strength to work on healthy communication, supporting your intent to work things out in any relationships that need resolution. Focus on letting go of being too impulsive or reactive in conversation.  

Scorpio — finding fulfillment and being able to enjoy life come easily this week when you listen to your higher consciousness. Use this power to overcome any self-sabotaging that leads you to wanting to escape: hurt feelings, losing your power, “what’s the point?”, “nothing is going to get any better.” It is, and it starts with you. 

Sagittarius — finding balance is the way forward this week, fairness is the key. You’ll have the power of discernment to consider what is important to say, and what is not. Let go of any apprehension over having to revisit the same conversation. The right approach is what eventually frees you, not avoidance. 

Capricorn — you may be weighing a hard decision that is on your horizon. Your strength is recognizing you don’t need to make it right now, that there is time to work on what you have, where you’re at. Protect your energy and continue to push forward and you will meet your horizon better equipped and with new insight. 

Aquarius — staying in protection mode only halts any forward progress. But your strength this week is knowing that you need to make an effort, show up and be accountable. Use this knowledge to move forward, look to your future, face your fear, let go of staving off regrets, and take the first step forward. 

Pisces — it’s time to break that chain and free yourself from a habitual behavioral pattern. This week you're getting wise to the same old, same old. Let go of the unknown and trust yourself that you can change and reclaim your self-worth from negative associations. Skip the talk this week, hold your tongue, you know better now. 

Rebekah Dahl interprets heavenly influences to help bring wisdom, love, and empowerment into our earthly experience.




