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Tuesday, March 25, 2025 at 1:11 PM

Horoscope Hideout

September 23 to 29
Horoscope Hideout

Horoscope Hideout

September 23 - 29

Welcome to Autumn, and Libra season, HH friends, even though it still feels a little summery outside. 6 planets still retrograde, which may explain why many of us are feeling introspective, or more inclined to isolate. New Moon is 9/25.

            Aries: How deep down the rabbit hole are you really willing to go? As hungry as you are for knowledge, it may fundamentally change how you feel about this person, place, or thing.

            Taurus: Just because you don’t want to doesn’t mean you can’t do it, or that it doesn’t need to get done. Worry about yourself and your own to-do list this week, and less about what others are doing around you.

            Gemini: In your efforts to appease everyone, you’re only stretching yourself thin. Remember your communication needs to be kinder this week also, as this Mercury retrograde lends more room for misunderstandings.

            Cancer: Collaboration can feel challenging this week, but your confidence gets a boost so you’re up for doing it your own dang self as well. Keep your spirits and goals high, your energy will keep up.

            Leo: Your routines feel decadent, and life seems luxurious these days. It pays to be agreeable right now. Cooperation can be mutually beneficial.

            Virgo: Feel the love all around you, Virgo. Your personal relationships are amped this period thanks to Venus, so if things feel weird in other aspects of your life, seek comfort in those.

            Libra: Your long-term goals are in your crosshairs, you just need to stick to your plan. Mars lends motivation and confidence to stay on course, so stick with it.

            Scorpio: Duty and expectations aren’t really your thing, so plan on feeling pulled in many directions that you don’t really want to be led. Uncomfy, but it won’t kill ya.

            Sagittarius: Take the next steps when presented with new paths. Now is a great time to believe in yourself and see the potential for positive change that exists when you do.

            Capricorn: A good week for letting your control freak side take the lead, as new projects or responsibilities arrive. Dig your heels in if you encounter any hiccups trying to sidetrack you.

            Aquarius: Loose lips sink ships, so better to keep your plans to yourself for now. Should disappointments or setbacks arise, trust you’ve got what it takes to push through.

            Pisces: A period of hygge time is upon you, and your home life will feel a bit more interconnected. Use Mercury’s last week and a half of retrograde for gentle reflection to plan for what comes next.




