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Tuesday, March 25, 2025 at 1:11 PM

Horoscope Hideout

August 8 - 11
Horoscope Hideout

Hey Horoscope friends, hope the last week wasn’t too turbulent. Coming up we have the Full Sturgeon Moon in Aquarius shining bright Thursday the 11th at 6:33 p.m. Enjoy the clarity and be creative in your solutions as challenges arise.

            Aries: This week, your emotional climate can feel like “My Turn.” Roll with it. If it’s fun, makes you feel good, and hurts no one else, enjoy it. You’ll have time for more serious pursuits later this month.

            Taurus: If the energy feels wack in your house, maybe it’s you. Check the unexpressed expectations at the door. Nobody can fix a problem you may have with them if you aren’t even talking about it.

            Gemini: There’s a fine line between being needed and being taken advantage of. Your emotional weather may be circling communal/familial relationships. Point being, take care of yourself so you can take care of others who deserve it.

            Cancer: If you’re uncomfortable with your current set of situations, change it, as only you can. Running from them is only going to exacerbate your discomfort later on, and most likely when you least expect it.

            Leo: In life, you’re an open book, but that doesn’t mean you need to overshare the spoilers. Keeping some details private can avoid some jarring communication snafus this week.

            Virgo: Impulsivity could be your downfall this week, Virgo. Dueling planetary energies are creating some confrontations, master your emotions before they get the better of you.

            Libra: Venus has you feeling even more lovey-dovey this period, allowing you to dream openly about your relationships, or what you want to have. Perhaps you need a change of social scenery to find what you really want.

            Scorpio: Mercury is lending some sharp mental agility this week, and it may feel like it can’t come soon enough. Weigh your options, list the pros and cons, and trust your intuition with the choices that don’t present an easy answer.

            Sagittarius: There’s some possibility to shake up your “same old same old” the next few days, leading up to the Full Moon on the 11th. With it may come some needed illumination in your household or financial affairs.

            Capricorn: Two words reign supreme in your chart this week: “Mutual Benefit.” If it’s not on the table, you aren’t about it. Continue to select your projects and relationships carefully, this will open up more opportunities later.

            Aquarius: Clearing the air may come with some shrapnel or friendly fire over the next several days. Trying to be direct without being too blunt might lessen the blows.

            Pisces: Your ability to put yourself in the shoes of literally anyone gets painful after a while. Don’t forget to tend to your own needs and dreams. Focus more on your bigger picture than the meaningless gossip.



