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Tuesday, March 11, 2025 at 4:20 AM

Horoscope Hideout

July 29 to August 4
Horoscope Hideout

Leo season is here my friends, and with it comes comfort in attention, pleasure-seeking behaviors, and egocentrism! Do the things that bring you childlike joy.


Aries: Now is not the time for knee-jerk reactions or split decisions. A half-thought plan is better than no plan at all, but imagine what could happen if you practiced some real forethought.


Taurus: You’re in alignment for some abrupt clarity, or harsh realizations. Have some patience and understanding for yourself, adding some introspection may be necessary to tend your wounds.


Gemini: Current planetary placements may have you feeling ready to watch it all burn with a smile on your face. Hold fast. Ground yourself, and try to keep your head above the noise.


Cancer: Professionally this is a busy time for you, or perhaps you are coming into a new career or path of study. Your enthusiasm will shine through to your benefit, if you allow it to, that is. Don’t lead with your self-doubt.


Leo: Your season is definitely going to shower you with support and abundant energy to change what no longer fits, and make new room for the things you want. Dream accordingly.


Virgo: Your mercurial mind tends to make you overanalyze things. Pointing your lens of judgment on yourself will have a more positive effect than when aimed at others. Use the empathy filter for both.


Libra: Balance is hard to maintain for you right now. In efforts to be a good friend or family member, you may be neglecting your own needs or boundaries. Practice at least a few minutes of self-care when you feel impossible.


Scorpio: Horace said, "adversity has the effect of eliciting talents which in prosperous circumstances would have lain dormant.” Find your silver lining in the turmoil that may arise.


Sagittarius: Is there anything you’ve been holding onto that is actually harming you? Avoid your triggers for pity parties this week. You’re only hurting yourself.


Capricorn: Although you may forget sometimes, you are only responsible for yourself, and can ultimately only control yourself. Try to remember that this week when it feels like all you’re receiving is pushback.


Aquarius: Feeling in your head about your inner circles? You aren’t responsible for how others feel about you, but in all fairness, extend the first olive branch so you can start to clear the air.


Pisces: Don’t let your stormy emotions affect your day-to-day choices, as this too shall pass. Your triggers belong to you, but they don’t have to lead the way.




