Prescription Drug Medicine Round-Up to be Held April 27th
- 04/23/2019 05:33 AM (update 04/10/2023 11:09 PM)

Submitted by the Churchill Coalition --
FALLON, Nev., -- The Prescription Drug (Rx) Medicine Round Up is to be held on April 27th from 10am-2pm in the parking lots of CVS, Walgreens and the FPST Senior Center in Fallon. NO Questions Asked -- the collection is strictly to provide safe disposal of medicines. The roundup will accept all types of unused or expired medications; pills, patches, and liquids (no needles, please). The medication, along with any containers, will be incinerated following the event.
Prescription drug safety and proper disposal is crucial in reducing Rx drug abuse in our community. Studies show that the majority of abused prescription drugs are obtained from family and friends, including from the home medicine cabinet. In addition, the community is more aware that their usual methods for disposing of unused medicines—flushing them down the toilet or throwing them in the trash—pose potential safety, environmental, and health hazards.
If you are unable to attend the prescription drug take-back, you can utilize the Prescription Drug Drop Box, at the Churchill County Sheriff's Office, 180 West A Street, or at the CVS Pharmacy, 461 W Williams Ave in Fallon, NV. No questions asked
The Sheriff’s drop box is open the 24 hours. Keep your family safe and prevent prescription drug abuse.
Collection efforts are by Fallon Police Department, Fallon Paiute-Shoshone Tribal Police Department and Senior Center, Churchill County Sheriff’s Office, Banner Hospital, Walgreens, CVS, and the Churchill Community Coalition.
For more information visit, call our office (775) 423-7433
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