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Wednesday, January 29, 2025 at 6:08 PM

Myles Getto: Candidate for Commission District 2

Gearing up for Candidates Night -- Commission candidates answer questions ...
Myles Getto: Candidate for Commission District 2
Myles Getto

Myles Getto is a fourth-generation Fallon farmer, farming the same ground his great grandparents settled in 1911. A Churchill County High School graduate, Getto was actively involved in 4-H and Churchill County FFA and became vice president of CCFFA his senior year.

At age 19, Getto applied to be on the Churchill County Planning Commission and was selected to the position. He has spent the last two-and-a-half years working on the Planning Commission learning and becoming fascinated with politics and local government. He now wants to expand his political career to help guide his generation's future.


1. Why should water be a priority for the Lahontan Valley?

Water is the lifeblood of Churchill County, whether it be used for agricultural purposes that fuels our thriving agricultural economy, recreation at Lake Lahontan, recharging our powerful aquifer, or used by the hundreds of species of animals that make us the Oasis of Nevada. With the power of the most important resources in the west comes huge responsibility, possibly the biggest responsibility that Churchill County has. Our water will constantly be under attack by outsiders that refuse to understand its importance to us. As urban area outside of Fallon grow, their appetite for water will grow tremendously, it will be the job of whoever is elected to ensure and protect the water that feeds Churchill County, and I am up for that challenge.


2. During the past five years, great steps have been taken to improve the quality of life in Churchill County What do you envision for the next 5 years? 10 years?

I envision for the next 10 years to be full of improvements on our quality of life. I would push for more agricultural conservations, a emphasize on water management and what we can do as a community to insure that we remain the Oasis of Nevada. Another very important part of our quality of life is insuring that we continue to expand and developed our economics in Churchill County, whether that be in the Hazen industrial park, the agricultural sector, or in Fallon itself.


3. What should be the relationship between the county and the Bureau of Land Management?

As we all know, the BLM is a large mass of slow moving paperwork, but is necessary in maintaining and controlling our public lands. Churchill County has been and always will be overlooked, as counties can be in Nevada. It is vital that we make our voices, concerns and thoughts heard, by maintaining a strong, healthy, present relationship with the BLM, that can be accomplished.


4. What issues facing Churchill County would you prioritize in the area of public health and safety?

As our population grows we will have to see an extension of our current services offered, these of course include the basics such as police force, the fire department, water systems and sewer systems. Each of the aforementioned items have their own challenges that they will face with growth, our police force and fire department will face finding qualified individuals to staff a growth phase. And our water and sewer system will, of course, face droughts and dry spells that we all have grown accustomed to. Churchill County also has additional boards and committees that will make appropriate recommendations in reaction to whatever the future may hold for Churchill County.


5. How should the county handle its relationship with the Navy due to the range expansion and modernization?

It is vital that the County Commissioners have an open and vocal relationship with NAS Fallon. NAS Fallon makes up a large part of the demographics of Churchill County. As similar with the BLM, it is vital that Churchill County Commissioners expresses their concerns, ideas and thoughts with NAS Fallon on the proposed range expansion that affects many different sectors and many families' way of life. It is very easy to get lost or left behind in these matters and they must be taken very seriously, and yet again I am up for that challenge.


6. Should the county approach growth as planned growth or full speed ahead?

Slow economic growth will be the most beneficial to Churchill County, that being said we are already behind. Corporations that have deeper pockets than all of us combined have set their eyes on Churchill County, and if you think they’ll stop at city limits, you’re lying to yourself. All the while undercutting our local businesses, contractors, builders and architects. They bring outside workers that don’t care to see quality homes being built, that don’t go home to a house here, or spend their money at our local businesses. While they are relieving housing pressure, I think they can do more in terms of supporting our local businesses. If elected I would like to work with these companies to be more willing to use our local business and companies to help produce these homes.


7. How important (or not) is it for the county and Western Nevada College to work together?

I believe that it’s very important that the county maintains a working relationship with WNC, granted I would like to see WNC include more applicable classes that are current and relevant to our economy, those would include but not limited to, mechanics, agricultural related degrees, defense industry degrees, etc.


8. What should the city-county relationship look like in governing?

We all consider ourselves Fallonites whether we live in city limits or not. We’re one body with two arms that have to move and work together to accomplish anything. It’s important that the city and county communicate with each other on plans and action that may be taken. If they don’t, it will cause disarray that will split our small town. We are all in this together and the relationship should reflect that.


9. What do you see the future of the city and county working with the Churchill Entrepreneurial Development Association?

CEDA has done an excellent job promoting and highlighting Fallon as the amazing place it is. CEDA needs Churchill County and the city for relevant factual information about where the county is moving towards and the county and city needs CEDA to show people what an amazing place Fallon is. I hope to see in the future more local businesses that are centered into our current economies such as renewable resources, diversified agriculture and manufacturing.




