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Tuesday, March 25, 2025 at 1:20 PM

Horoscope Hideout for the week of April 10

Horoscope Hideout for the week of April 10
Mandie Koeckes

Welcome to Aries season – Venus is also in Pisces, which is good for your love life but bad on your wallet. Try to be reasonable with both. The first quarter moon is this Friday just before midnight, and between you and me, the solar flares and Spring seem to have everybody feeling some type of way.

Aries: Work and professional commitments may dominate your plate, but don’t forget to fill your personal cup. A little self-reflection can show you where to start.

Taurus: Use your voice around the 10th, that confidence could sell a ketchup popsicle to a lady in white gloves.

Gemini: Your energy is needed in projects around you, be sure to be both kind and assertive in your professional life this week.

Cancer: New beginnings are on the horizon, but you have to pick the road. Be open to new ideas or new gatherings previously outside the norm.

Leo: Alone you’ll travel faster but it doesn’t mean you should. If you’re feeling the pull for companionship, trust your intuition, and meet people halfway if you want to gain some common ground.

Virgo: Work smarter not harder if you want to see the forest through the trees. This week is a good time to work on personal relationships.

Libra: Self-care routines are starting to pay off, and some practical effort can make a world of difference in your professional life this week. Keep going.

Scorpion: Routines are becoming easier to manage, and you may find renewed energy to face old habits that may be bringing you down. Rise above and look within this week.

Sagittarius: Spring definitely have you feeling some type of way, as the weather warms as do you. Opportunity exists in your open mind this week.

Capricorn: I know, all y’all ever do is work, or think about work. Don’t be afraid to work on communication and having those emotionally vulnerable conversations.

Aquarius: Use this time to learn and experience new things freely, but back off if it becomes like a chore or stresses you in the least.

Pisces: Remember to do the really boring stuff first and use that extra energy this week to ensure loose ends are tied. Then, and only then, do the fun stuff.

Mandie Koeckes is a lover of misunderstood plants and people. She enjoys keeping her feet in the earth and her head in the stars.







jo_petteruti 04/11/2022 09:39 AM
Welcome aboard Mandie! Great column and a fabulous addition to the paper.