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Sunday, March 9, 2025 at 10:47 PM

Captain’s log – Staring off into the Horizon of our Future

Captain’s log – Staring off into the Horizon of our Future
The Festival Program this year -- thank you to all our advertisers

Yesterday Ginny broke her glasses – she was mad at me and flinging herself around and they jumped straight off her head. She has a big family wedding this weekend so now she has to wear her old, stand-by nerd-girl glasses and she isn’t super impressed.

This morning my own personal melt-down resulted in crying (seriously, Amazons NEVER cry, what the heck is this) and then rubbing my eyes until my contact jumped out of my face. I had to drop everything in the middle of a disaster and run home to get the back-up nerd-girl glasses, praying there was still a contact in the box in the medicine cabinet.

Joy! I had not gone through them all and got myself put together and back to the office to avert disaster, avoiding the hellish four-eyes travesty.

Turns out, however, the rogue contact, (I wear one for reading in the left and use the right eye for distance) hadn’t jumped ship after all. It had run around back of my eyeball where it’s been lodged all day long, overlapping the new one. It’s been a twitchy, irritating day and now I know why. The little balled-up piece of plastic just fell out of my eye onto my cheek.  

his week’s drama is at the hands of the Cantaloupe Festival. We got the opportunity to publish the Program for the Festival this year – something we consider to be an indicator that we are “making it.” It’s been the coolest process and we have learned things you wouldn’t even imagine.

One of the main purposes of the Festival has always been for local residents to celebrate the community while bringing people from other communities here to learn about us and spend their money in our local businesses. It’s been a huge success in doing those things for 35 years now – sponsored in the beginning by the Fallon Chamber and now run by the Fallon Festival Association.

We think being a beneficiary of the Festival purpose is a beautiful thing. We would be remiss if we didn’t thank each of the local businesses who agreed to advertise this year and make the Festival Program a gorgeous reality. Thank you.

It is gratifying to see the Festival successfully supporting local business, and we are so grateful after years of volunteering on the committee to have the opportunity to print the program. We hope you love it.

Next week it’s back to normal – you would think I had learned by now not to say things like that… lol. In theory, our Leanna will be back and we can just relax a little and be here, rested…


…keeping you Posted.




