Blockchain Technology for Government Efficiencies
- 03/22/2019 09:36 AM (update 04/10/2023 11:09 PM)
by Senator Ben Kieckhefer --
Efficient government operations are supported by all Nevadans, and they should expect that the state will be a leader in the adoption of technology that makes government even more efficient.
We can — and we must — take the major steps toward efficiency provided by the use of blockchain technology.
Discussions of blockchain can get complicated pretty quickly, but essentially a blockchain is a highly secure digital ledger that cannot be corrupted. A blockchain is a time-stamped, unchangeable record of data. It’s managed by a cluster of computers that aren’t owned by any single entity. The records are secured with cryptographic principles.
I’ve introduced a bill in the State Senate — SB 162— that ensures that blockchain technology can be used by state and local governments in Nevada. I’ve also introduced a related measure, SB 163, that provides businesses with clear guidance about the use of blockchain for communications and recordkeeping, giving them an important competitive advantage.
Many bright folks believe that blockchain will become the basis for the “New Internet.” It’s hard to imagine today that businesses and governments in Nevada once operated without the Internet. Not long from now, it will be equally difficult to imagine how governments and businesses could have worked without access to blockchain technology.
When government agencies are allowed and encouraged to use blockchain technology, they become more efficient. Citizens benefit as well from the increased transparency provided by blockchain.
Government officials sometimes have been slow to adopt electronic records in the past because of concerns about security. Blockchain addresses those concerns. It opens the door to the cost savings and improved public access that make electronic records such an important step forward.
Taxpayers, then, benefit directly when blockchain technology is adopted by their government.
But perhaps even more important, adoption of the two bills I have introduced will make a clear statement that the state government in Nevada is forward thinking and welcomes the use of new technologies.
As we continue the creation of our New Nevada economy, high-tech executives around the world are sure to notice that our state government understands and embraces important new technology. Wider adoption of blockchain by Nevada’s government and businesses is an important cornerstone in the development of a tech-friendly, entrepreneurial business climate in the state.
Furthermore, purchases of blockchain technology by government will help jump-start the blockchain industry in Nevada.
In short, these two bills aren’t just about blockchain. They are about maintaining Nevada’s technological leadership in the competition for new jobs and strong economic growth all across the state.
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