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Wednesday, March 26, 2025 at 2:51 PM

Truck Takes on Traffic Control Structure

Sheriff urges drivers to exercise caution and to pay attention after a week of serious traffic incidents
Truck Takes on Traffic Control Structure
A single-vehicle crash on Saturday at Hwy 50 and Sheckler/Roberson light took out the traffic signal. Officers on scene said no injuries

Shortly before 1:30 pm yesterday afternoon, a single-vehicle crash was reported at the light on Highway 50 at Sheckler and Roberson. An unidentified driver was eastbound in the inside travel lane and appeared to drift across the westbound lanes, leaving the roadway on the west side of the traffic signal, narrowly missing the lights poles as he traveled across Roberson and through the fencing display at Hoof Beat Gates and Corral. 

Officers on the scene reported no one was injured in the crash. Nevada Highway Patrol will investigate.

On Friday, Sheriff Richard Hickox issued this statement on social media:

Today as I sit at my desk going over reports and events from the past week, I am struck over and over again by a common theme so today let’s take a few minutes and talk traffic.

Over the last few weeks, members of the Churchill County Sheriff’s Office and our brothers and sisters from our fellow agencies in our community have responded to a number of serious traffic accidents. These accidents have been deadly for some and catastrophic for others but life-altering for all. In addition to responding to these devastating events, we have received numerous complaints of drivers blowing through stop signs, speeding through neighborhoods, and narrow misses on other accidents with distracted or speeding drivers.

As a member of this community, I implore each and every one of you out there to please pay attention! Pay attention to the posted speed limits, pay attention to traffic control signs (stop, yield), and obey them, these limits are not there as a minimum nor are they there as a suggestion. This is our community, these are the streets where our kids ride bikes, where our families take walks, and these streets are next to yards where kids and pets play.

As your Sheriff I am stating that you need to slow down, stay off your phones while driving, that phone call can wait, put away the distractions, pay attention to where you are and what you are doing!

Please take a few moments extra and leave for work, for the gym, or that dinner out a little early because the result of rushing and being in an accident, hurting or killing someone else or yourself will have longer-lasting repercussions than being a few minutes late.

Slow down -- STOP means stop, not slow roll it, Yellow means caution it is getting ready to change play it safe. Pedestrians in crosswalks are to be yielded to, vehicular traffic must stop for them.

School is out for most of our community so kids are home, they are out playing, doing chores, riding bikes, slow down and give them a chance to be a kid. Turn signals are extremely useful and help others know what you are hoping to or are doing, be kind and let people merge but also be kind and yield to oncoming traffic don’t pull out in front of oncoming traffic.

Fallon is at heart an agriculture community and that means trailers, stock trailers, horse trailers both big and small, riding in those trailers are people's livelihoods, their investments but also their pets, their friend. They need your help to do that, trucks towing trailers can’t stop on a dime, they can’t slow down as quickly as your small car or SUV, give them room to stop and be patient when they are a little slow off the line they are trying not to throw those animals around in the trailer.

I guess today’s message isn’t a short one but I feel it’s very important, be kind out there, treat others with respect, slow down, and put the phone away. God Bless you all.


