This week city council met on April 5. Deputy City Clerk Elsie Lee was present instead of Chief of Staff Robert Erquiaga during his absence.
On the agenda, the council held public hearings for Bills 787 and 788.
Bill No. 787 is an ordinance amending Title 17, Buildings and Construction Codes Chapter 17.04, Adopted Building and Construction Codes of the City of Fallon Municipal Code, for the purpose of adopting the 2018 edition of the International Building Code, Residential Code, Fuel Gas Code, Mechanical Code, International Swimming Pool and Spa Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, International Energy Conservation Code, National Electric Code, and the 2018 Northern Nevada Amendments published by the Northern Nevada Chapter of the International Code Council.
City Engineer Derek Zimney gave the background of the bill, and mentioned it was introduced by the council in the previous meeting.
Councilwoman Kent asked if the county and Fernley use the same code as the city. Zimney said yes.
Councilwoman Frost asked how often the codes change and update.
Zimney said he anticipated the codes would update again in a couple of years, but it depends on the hold up in legislation, building department, and other areas that choose the codes.
Councilwoman Kent asked if this updated code went into effect immediately.
Zimney said most contractors and workers are already using the updated codes because of the county regulations, but if they were not, all workers would have a 30-day grace period to move to the new code.
Councilwoman Frost asked if the updated code would help the ISO rating.
Zimney said the ISO rating is not used for building codes, but to maintain the code rating they have for building codes, the city should update their rating frequently.
Councilwoman Frost mentioned a better rating also kept insurance rates down for citizens.
Councilman Richardson asked if these updates help with energy efficiency.
Zimney said yes.
Councilwoman Kent moved to approve the bill, Councilwoman Frost seconded the motion, and the bill passed unanimously.
Bill No. 788 is an ordinance amending Title 16, Fire Prevention and Protection, Chapter 16.04, Fire Codes, Section 16.04.020, Adopted Fire Codes, of the City of Fallon Municipal Code, and adopting the 2018 edition of the International Fire Code.
City Engineer Zimney gave background of the bill, and mentioned it was introduced by the council in the previous meeting also.
Councilman Richardson moved to approve the bill, Councilwoman Frost seconded the motion, and the bill passed unanimously.
There was no other staff or council reports and no executive session this week.
Public minutes and agendas are accessible on the City of Fallon website. For more detailed information see:
The next meeting of the Fallon City Council is scheduled for Monday, April 19, at 9 a.m., at City Hall, 55 W. Williams Avenue, Fallon. The Fallon City Council normally meets on the first and third Mondays of each month.