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Tuesday, March 11, 2025 at 10:13 PM

District Court from March 9

District Court from March 9
Lucas William McCamy

Author: Photo provided by Churchill County Sheriff's Department

The Tenth Judicial District Court convened March 9, with Judge Robert E. Estes presiding.

Francis Keana Akau pled guilty to one count of Offer, Attempt, or Commission of an Unauthorized Act Relating to Manufacture or Compounding of Certain Controlled Substances, a first offense, a Class B Felony punishable by 1-5 years in prison. The allegations state that on October 7, he sold methamphetamines. Sentencing is scheduled for June 1.

Cassandra Gail Davis (in custody) pled guilty to (1) Abuse, Neglect, or Endangerment of a Child Not Causing Substantial Bodily or Mental Harm, a Gross Misdemeanor punishable by 364 days in jail, (2) Attempt to Fail to Stop at the Signal of Police Officer While Under the Influence, either a felony punishable by 1-4 years in prison or a gross misdemeanor, punishable by up to 364 in jail. The allegations state that on February 1, Davis willfully drove while under the influence. At the time, she had a 12-year old and a 14-year-old n the vehicle. She also refused to bring her vehicle to a stop or attempted to flee. Attorney Wright Noel of the Churchill County Public Defender's (CCPD) office requested a re-release on her own recognizance (OR), with court services monitoring or bail reduction. Judge Estes granted the OR. Sentencing is scheduled for June 1.

Dylan Joseph Fink (in custody) plead no contest to Battery by a Prisoner in Lawful Custody, a Category B Felony punishable by 1-6 years in prison. The allegations state that while in custody pending court, he struck another inmate with his fist. Sentencing is scheduled for April 20.

Scott Kevin Greene plead guilty to the Sale of a Controlled I or II Controlled Substance, a Category C Felony punishable by 1-5 years in prison. The allegations state that on October 9, he sold his oxycodone prescription to another individual. Sentencing is set for June 1.

Lucas William McCamy (in custody) plead guilty to an Attempt to Make Threats or Conveying False Information Concerning Acts of Terrorism, Weapons of Mass Destruction, Lethal Agents or Toxins, a Category B Felony punishable by 1- 10 years in prison. The allegations state that on December 24, he did state to another that he was going to shoot all cops and rape their daughters and pick their eyes out. CCPD Wright Noel stated that his client was not taking his medications, and his client does not recall making the statements (which were recorded). Noel asked for a reduction of bail for his client; District Attorney Lane Mills vehemently opposed the reduction due to his behavior pattern, stating he is a danger and apparent flight risk. Judges Estes ordered the bail remain in effect. Sentencing is set for June 1

Rikki Jo Nuesmeyer was present via Zoom. She was not present in the courtroom because she was awaiting the results of a pending COVID test. CCPD Wright Noel asked for another one-week continuance stating that his client had been extremely ill for the past two weeks. Assistant District Attorney (ADA) Chelsea Sanford asked that a HIPPA waiver be issued so the state could verify that she was not taking advantage of COVID requirements and trying to put this case off unjustly. Last week Judge Stockard was explicit in his demands that she maintain court services contact and appear in court. Judge Estes continued the case for one week.

Elijah Chris Plowden plead guilty to three firearms-related charges. (1) Burglary with Possession of a Firearm or Deadly Weapon, a Category B Felony punishable by 2-15 years in prison, (2) Extortion with Use of a Firearm or Deadly Weapon, a Category B Felony punishable by 1-10 years in prison, and (3) being an Ex-Felon in Possession of a Firearm, a Category B Felony punishable by 1-6 years in prison. Due to the nature of the offense, sentencing is enhanced by Nevada statute and requires the sentences to be served consecutively. The allegations state that on December 5, Plowden entered Safeway with the intent to commit an assault or battery while in possession of a firearm. He told one individual "to pay $500 by Friday or else" and pulled out a handgun, chambered a round, and held the gun to the head of another. Sentencing is set for June 1.

Sean Jacob Renfro (in custody) plead guilty to Possession of a Controlled Substance, a First or Second Offense, a Class E Felony punishable by 1-4 years in prison. Allegations state that on February 8, he was in possession of methamphetamines. Judge Estes told Renfroe that he has run out of chances, but the court must grant probation due to new sentencing laws. He received probation on a suspended sentence of 12-36 months in prison and must complete the Western Regional Drug Court program. Failure to complete probation will result in a felony, and the underlying sentence will be imposed.

Misty Rose Warren (in custody) was sentenced to 12-32 months in prison after violating the terms of her probation, failing to report as required, using drugs and alcohol, failing to complete Western Nevada Regional Drug Court, and failing to meet her financial obligations to the state.



