Groucho Marx was one of the many vaudeville stars of his time – along with his three brothers Harpo, Chico, Zeppo (and in their stage days Gummo too). After the Marx brothers found solo projects to pursue, Groucho wrote letters, and guest columns for every trade magazine on the market from Variety to Saturday Evening Post.
While Groucho was a master of wit on stage and screen, I cannot recommend this written collection enough. While Marx was not known for his written words, the series of stories, letters, and essays by Groucho fills anyone’s pallet with the smartest and most punctual comedy writing. Groucho’s talent and all-around silliness pours onto the page with the voice we all recognize from his on-screen humor.
Book Review -- Groucho Marx and Other Short Stories
- 03/07/2021 06:00 AM (update 09/30/2023 11:12 AM)
