During the debate last week, Vice President Pence told Senator Harris to, “stop playing politics with people’s lives,” in regards to the rhetoric of the coronavirus containment in the United States. I would like the same thing, from all candidates that are red, blue, green, lobbying, or campaigning. But I got the same thing I always get from national candidates – nothing.
The debate I was expecting I took at face value. Two seasoned politicians, did what they do best. They evaded questions, brought up track records, and plans they would both do “day one in office”.
Sure, all of these sneaky strategies haven’t worked for us before, but I do miss the stereotypical conventions of politicians every now and again.
The vice-presidential candidates covered the same seven topics former Vice President Biden and President Trump covered last week, but with glass shields between them and a moderator that was not messing around.
I was expecting a confident Vice President to face off to Senator Harris in prosecutor mode last night. Instead, last night I saw Vice President Pence on a mission of damage control from the media storm of last week’s debate. I also saw Senator Harris focus on the administration as a whole, and not directly on President Trump of Vice President Pence’s records within their times as a private citizen and governor respectively.
What I did appreciate about the debate was the amount of middle-school debate prep that both candidates seemed to carry on the stage. The active listening, constant note scribbling, and constant mentioning of the debate moderator’s name... it made the debate feel like they did when I was far younger and cared far less. It was two politicians playing their gambit, and being spokespeople for their running mate.

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