The meeting was called to order at 5:30 PM. All members were present with Fred Buckmaster interacting virtual through the online tools.
Superintendent Update:
A. Attendance and Nevada Report Card Update: Lisa Bliss reported to the Board that even though the students in the AM/PM cohorts were having less instruction time under the current system, students were receiving full credit for attendance. She also explained to the Board that soon attendance for the online students would have some changes. Students K-5 that are virtual will be marked absent unless contact is made that day. A parent/student portal will need to be checked into daily by students. For students at the secondary level, credit will be given weekly by the teacher and will reflect attendance for that week as well as measurable progress.
Dr. Stephens stressed the importance of attendance at the weekly class meetings and daily engagement in the program.
Lisa informed the Board that the Nevada Report Card, usually out on September 15, will not be taking place this year due to the COVID-19 situation. State mandated assessments, at this time, are expected to be taken in August. There are still many questions to be answered as to what that will look like at that time.
B. Transportation Update: Kenny Mitchell addressed the Board and explained that though the busing situation has required a great deal of adjusting to the many changes that keep coming up, at this time there are 13 routes and three special ed. routes being covered. Additional staff (Kenny, Toni, mechanics) have had to step in a couple times to help with some of the driving. There are still some issues with getting in and out of schools that need to be worked out, as some students are often late to class by five to ten minutes. The number of students applying for busing is growing, with two to three applications being received daily. These applications usually take about three to five days to process. Currently, there are a couple of the routes that are near capacity.
Trustee Schank asked what would happen if the District reached capacity. Dr. Stephens explained that if things came to that point, the District would look at some of the contracting components and possible payment for mileage to families unable to receive busing.
Mr. Mitchell explained that one bus driver that had left has returned and one new application had been received. Dr. Stephens explained that CRF funds many need to be used to cover some of the additional expenses that might arise.
C. Student Enrollment Data: A written report was submitted to the Board. Currently, NELC has a total enrollment of 111 students, LES has 311 students attending classes at school and 117 attending COLA, ECB has 340 students in classes at school and 132 attending COLA, Numa has 354 students in classes at school and 128 students in COLA, CCMS has 519 students attending classes and 235 students on COLA, and CCHS has 707 students on campus and 252 students working with COLA. The District has a total enrollment of 3,208 students.
D. Update District-related matters: Dr. Stephens reported that the District had received a donation of $600 that will be used to help setup a teachers’ supply site at West End. There are many details to be worked out as this idea grows. The District also received the Pennington Grant in the amount of $175,000. These funds are being used to purchase items that will assist with the cleaning and monitoring of COVID-19 health issues. Funds ($508,000.00) were also received from an ESSER grant (Education Stabilization Fund through the CARES Act) which will be used to cover the costs for Modern Teacher for the next two years.
Dr. Stephens shared some ideas on an upcoming voluntary program for staff that would offer additional testing possibilities (testing for COVID-19) with a quicker turn around in results. This would shorten the amount of time staff might be off work.
Dr. Stephens presented an update on the number of students and staff that have been excluded from school. As of Sept. 23, at 8:30 AM, 228 students have been excluded due to health reasons, with 36 of those students being tested with one positive result at this time, test results were still waiting on some. There have been 14 staff members excluded, 12 of those tested and two positives.
Trustee Schank asked for current information on the substitute situation. Currently the sub list has less people on it than in the past, but Ms. Fielding explained to the Board that there is a 90-day waiting period for teachers who were retired but have applied to be substitutes. When that period has passed, the number of subs available should meet District needs.
Business Services Update:
A. Budget to Actual Report: Board-Superintendent Expenditures for 8-1-20200 to 8-31-2020 was $18,525.94. (Written report in Board Book online.)
B. Update on Financial Audit: Kristi Fielding, comptroller for the District, reported to the Board that the audit had gone well. Auditors were here for four days and visited two schools. There was one finding for $11,000 that involved funds for a Special Education student. This finding was a result of a time difference in application for funds and the actual receiving of funds. The State’s comments during the audit were positive.
C. Update regarding other business: Ms. Fielding informed the Board that she had become aware of a couple other districts refunding some of their bonds and saving money. She spoke with J & A Consultants, a firm working for the District, and discovered that there were two bonds that could possibly be refunded with a savings to the District of close to $1,000,000.00. She has asked J & A to make a presentation to the Board in October. She also informed the Board that the contract for renewal of the contract for the copy machines was sent out.
Consent Agenda: Approved. Vouchers for 8/24 to 9/23 of 2020 totaled $1,660,793.53. Payroll for the month of August was $4,215,424.01. The Testing Security Plan was approved. The Churchill County High School Track and Field team will be holding a Christmas Tree and Wreath sale from December 1-25.
Report by Board Members: Trustee Whitaker expressed her appreciation for the patience and support parents have shown during this time of many adjustments. She also complimented the staff for their hard work and dedication.
Trustee Schank shared that she had visited two schools, EC Best and Numa, and was very pleased with the attitude of staff and students. She found both to be excited and glad to be back together.
The meeting was adjourned at approximately 7:00 p.m.
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