In the midst of this coronavirus pandemic, the high school Class of 2020 has experience what may be the strangest senior year since the Vietnam War. Wrapped in uncertainty and isolation, our students are missing what many of us remember as one of the best times in life.
When Governor Sisolak announced last week that school would not resume as normal for the rest of the year, many seniors throughout the valley had what little hope they had of a traditional senior year dashed from underneath them.
However, in the scrappy, Fallon ways that we all know and have come to expect, the community is stepping up to create a senior year that these students won’t forget. While the high school is continuing to work through plans for graduation, and the Mayor and City Council working on something special as well, A group of parent led by Heidi Woolsey have created a Facebook page called “Adopt a Senior.”
How it works (instructions from the page) instructions are below:
1) This is only for Churchill County High School and Oasis Academy 2020 seniors.
2) Parents or guardians of a high school senior (not the child) will post about their child. At the beginning of your post, make sure to add “Up for Adoption”. Give a brief description about your senior and include the school they are graduating from. Add a few pictures and viola! You’ve just put your senior up for “adoption”!
3) When someone has requested to “adopt” your senior, please edit your post to read “Adopted”. Yes, your child can be “adopted” by more than one person, but our goal is to get ALL of our graduates adopted, so please keep that in mind.
(There are 215 CCHS seniors and 29 Oasis Academy seniors)
4) The community member, friend or family member who has chosen to “adopt” your senior will contact you. It is then up to you and them to coordinate gift ideas and pick up/drop off locations.
***If you chose to share your address, please make sure you know them! Safety first!***
5) Let the love pour in!!! Keep it fun, appropriate, safe and most of all, make our kids know that their community loves them!
Woolsey reminds parents to “remember once your kiddo is ‘adopted’ please edit the beginning of your post to say ‘ADOPTED’ to let everyone know.”
She also ask group members, and we are extending that request here, if anyone knows of any Fallon 2020 seniors whose families might not be on Facebook to see this event, please contact Heidi through a message on her page: “We really want to make sure that every one of our seniors gets included and receives a gift.”
Woolsey thanks the community for joining the page, and encourages everyone to invite and share this information “so that we can have as many seniors on here as possible and get the word out to those who would want to ‘adopt’ these seniors.” She said she has seen this done in other communities and is excited to acknowledge our students and give them a little extra since they’ve missed out on so much.
She added that it is important to make sure that every student gets adopted, but that any student can be adopted by more than one person. “Thank you to everyone who is adopting our seniors, this will be so special for them -- thank you all so much for your continued love and support for these kiddos."
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