NDOT Will Fund Traffic Light at Roberson Lane
- 01/17/2019 04:18 PM (update 04/10/2023 11:09 PM)

By Rachel Dahl —
Churchill County Manager Jim Barbee reported at the January 7th Commission meeting that Nevada Department of Transportation (NDOT) has committed to funding a traffic signal at the Sheckler Cut-off/Highway 50/Roberson Lane intersections. He is waiting for a formal letter from the NDOT Director to that effect.
Following an accident at the Roberson/Highway 50 intersection yesterday, January 16th, comments on social media flared once again as community members discuss their anger at the lack of traffic controls at that intersection. According to NDOT there were 10 accidents during the two-year period covering 2015 and 2016. More recent data is not yet available for 2017 and 2018.
In a written statement issued today, Meg Ragonese, NDOT Public Information Officer today said that “Traffic safety is our top priority.”
Her comments went on to say, “Ultimately, we (at NDOT) live in our Nevada communities and are dedicated to helping keep our fellow Nevadans, our neighbors and our families safe. We want to ensure that any intersection changes at the U.S. 50 and Sheckler Road intersection are the most safe, effective and appropriate for current and future travel demands, and don’t create unintended safety or mobility concerns.
With safety as our top priority, we have analyzed a full range of traffic safety improvements. We expedited a traffic signal warrant analysis at the intersection. We also conducted intersection evaluations to closely analyze all potential intersection enhancements and determine the intersection improvements which will make the more than 13,000 trips through the intersection daily as safe as possible.
Based on the findings of these intersection evaluations, we are pursuing installation of a traffic signal. While traffic signals are not the most appropriate for all intersections, the U.S. 50 and Sheckler Road intersection meets specific federally-prescribed warrants, or prerequisites, needed to consider installation of a traffic signal.
We will now expedite the final evaluation and design of a traffic signal in conjunction with our partners at Churchill County. We will also work to identify state transportation funding for the signal.
Prior to installation, utilities will need to be moved to make room for construction, including overhead power lines. Based on funding availability and the replacement of existing utilities at the intersection, we anticipate having the signal installed within one to two years.”
Jared Mesloh, a County resident who lives off the Sheckler Cut-Off attended a County Commission meeting several months ago specifically asking Commissioners to address the safety concerns at the intersection and install a stop light.
“My daughters are young drivers and having them have to navigate that intersection is unnerving,” he said. “I was sighted for making an illegal left-hand turn from Sheckler headed west-bound, because I used the center lane to merge into traffic — there is no safe way to enter the highway at that location.”
Mesloh is relieved that something is finally being done, although it will take some time. “I was so glad to hear that there will be a light there,” he said.