Statement from the leadership at Oasis Academy for their student and parent population --
Obviously we are dealing with a very uncertain and fluid situation. It seems every 10 minutes we are having to reconsider our plans. As of right now this is our plan going forward. This is subject to change and we appreciate your patience.
Grades K-4
K-4 Students will be given packets to complete at home. These will be mandatory. If students do not complete the packet the state will not consider them attending school and they will not have enough seat time to move on to the next grade. These teachers will also provide you with a daily schedule with links to educational videos, mindfulness videos, etc. that are optional. We encourage you to take advantage of these links if you can so that your child is not watching t.v. and playing video games all day.
A general schedule will be emailed out next Tuesday by all classroom teachers. Teachers will tell you at that time how to access the links on a day to day basis.
K-4 teachers will check in with their students/parents via phone on a regular basis beginning Wednesday March 25th (every other day).
Grades 5-10
These teachers will hold online classes for students. Students can log in to the live lessons which will also be recorded and can be watched later. We recognize that this is a huge burden on families and we are trying to provide as much flexibility as possible. These teachers will also provide a daily schedule and we encourage you to follow that schedule if possible so your students are not watching t.v. and playing video games all day. Students will be required to complete all assigned work in google classroom. This is how the state will measure and give us credit for attendance. If students are not doing the work, they will not be given credit for attendance and will not earn enough seat time to move to the next grade.
We will be training all of our teachers on moving to this virtual platform on Monday March 23rd. This will be a virtual training.
On Tuesday you will get instructions from your teacher as to how to long on to those virtual classrooms.
Virtual learning will begin Wednesday March 25th.
Students with Special Needs
Our special education team will reach out to you with specific information Monday and Tuesday of next week. The student services staff will be checking in daily via google hangouts and/or phone calls with all students on an IEP.
Grades 11-12
Mrs. Venturacci and other coaches will be checking in daily via phone calls with all dually enrolled students starting next Monday, March 23. We recognize this is a big transition for these students to move to fully online and we want to help them be as successful as possible.
You should have received a technology survey from Mr. Kelly. It was also available on social media. Please complete that survey ASAP so we can best serve your children.
Students will be able to log on using a desktop, a tablet, and their phones. Students should log into Google Gsuite (Gmail, Drive, Docs, and Classroom) using their school provided email account (i.e., [email protected]). If students need assistance with their passwords they can email [email protected]. Please include the student’s name and an email address they or their parent can be contacted with a new temporary password.
Parent Pick Up of Materials
Chromebooks. We asked that you only check out a chromebook if you do not have a device at home that your child can use to access the internet. Chromebooks will only work with wireless internet. If you have 4 children, but only 2 home devices (a tablet and a desktop) we asked that you check out only 2 chromebooks. You will have to sign for each chromebook and will be responsible for all damage. We will not be checking chromebooks out to grades K-2.
In order to safely social distance we are asking parents to follow the following procedure and schedule based on your last name.
During your assigned time please pull through the parent pick up line. Stay in your car. Staff members will come to you. We will ask your child's name and teacher and will go get the supplies you need to take home. This may include things like, a novel, a list of questions that have to be answered, a chromebook for grade 3-10 if you have wireless internet, but no device for your child to use, and for K-4 students a packet that must be completed.
Please try your best to come at your assigned time so that we can be as efficient as possible. If you are out of town this week we highly encourage you to send someone (relative, or friend) on WEDNESDAY because we don’t know what next week will hold. If you are not feeling well please send a relative or friend to pick up your child’s stuff- we want to keep our staff and community healthy.
Wednesday March 18:
8:00-9:00, Last name beginning with A-D
9:00-10:00, Last name beginning with E-I
10:00-11:00, Last name beginning with J-L
12:00-1:00 Last name beginning with M-O
1:00-2:00 Last name beginning with P-R
2:00-3:00 Last name beginning with S-U
3:00-4:00 Last name beginning with V-Z
5:00-6:00 Anyone A-O who could not come at their assigned time
6:00-7:00 Anyone P-Z who could not come at their assigned time
“Virtual/Packet School” will start on Wednesday March 25 in accordance with the schedules that will be provided to you next Tuesday by your classroom teachers. We realize you may have questions but we ask that you wait until after you get the information from your child’s teacher next week before you ask, as we are so slammed we likey cannot get back to you right away. Hopefully by next Tuesday your questions will be answered.
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