All information for the arrest log comes from the arrest reports provided by the New River Township Justice Court and is considered by law to be public information. All subjects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.Warrant Bookings
Michael Moore, Fallon PD, Wadsworth Justice Court
Victor Valazquez, Nevada Highway Patrol, Las Vegas Township Justice
Timothy Miller, Churchill SO, Reno Township Justice Court
Russell Nagle, Fallon PD, Fallon Municipal
Caleb Casey, Churchill SO, New River Justice Court
Russell Nagle, Fallon PD, New River Justice Court
David Ehling, Churchill SO, New River Justice Court
Victoria Mattern, Fallon PD, Fallon Municipal
Darion Gagliordo, Fallon PD, New River Justice Court
Thomas Week, Churchill SO, New River Justice Court
Adrianna Alaniz, Churchill SO, Driving on streets laned for traffic, driving suspended/revoked, child neglect/endangerment
Jacob Hatfield, Juvenile Parole & Probation, violation youth parole
Wilford Crutcher, Nevada Highway Patrol, Due care, drive suspend/revoked, DUI
Ashley Day, Fallon PD, General probation violation
Andrew Crutcher, Fallon PD, Driving without valid driver’s license
Christopher Nez, Churchill SO, intoxicated pedestrian on road, resist/obstruct/delay, battery by a prisoner
James Moriarty, Nevada Highway Patrol, windows to be unobstructed, safety belts required, drive suspended revoked
Charles Decker, Churchill SO, harassment
Jess McClurkin, Nevada Highway Patrol, DUI (1st), driving left of center
Kali Duesheck, Fallon PD, General Parole & Probation violation, acts constituting domestic battery, battery constituting domestic battery
Tiffany McCoy, Churchill SO, Drive suspended/revoked, headlights required
Destinie Williams, Churchill SO, DUI (1st), consumption/possession alcohol-county
Inmate Count: Males, 43; females, 16; Total, 59
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