All information for the arrest log comes from the arrest reports provided by the New River Township Justice Court and is considered by law to be public information. All subjects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.Warrant Bookings
William Berreman, Churchill Sheriff; Sparks Municipal Court
Deanna Taylor-Blower, Churchill Sheriff; Sparks Justice Court
Tamir Montgomery, Fallon Police; Fernley Municipal Court (X2)
Jessica Cleveland, Fallon Police; Fernley Municipal (X2)
Bryce Van Duisen, Fallon Police; Canal Justice Court (X3), New River Justice Court (X2)
Kevin Norton, Churchill Sheriff; Sparks Justice Court
Austin Barnhart, Churchill Sheriff; New River Justice Court
Donna Nichols, Justice Court; New River Justice Court
Harry Sanders, Fallon Police; Fallon Municipal Court
Eric Forstrom, Fallon Police; 4th Judicial District Court Elko
Stacy Garner, Churchill Sheriff; New River Justice Court
William Tibbals, Churchill Sheriff; New River Justice Court
Christopher Rosemann, Fallon Police; Fallon Municipal Court
Bryson Morrison, Churchill Sheriff; New River Justice Court
Cynthia Prosser, Churchill Sheriff; Fallon Municipal Court
Caitlin Liddle, Nevada Highway Patrol; New River Justice Court
Shawna Berger, Churchill Sheriff; New River Justice Court
Timothy Edwards, Fallon Police; violation of stalking order
Douglas Harnden, Fallon Police; trespassing
Cortney Martin, Churchill Sheriff; battery constituting domestic battery
Bryce Van Duisen, Fallon Police; general probation violation
Kevin Norton, Churchill Sheriff; DUI (1st) drug, impeding traffic drive suspend/revoked, no proof insurance
Joseph Ramos, Nevada Highway Patrol; use cell phone while driving, drive suspend/revoked
Kristina Reeves, Parole & Probation; general probation violation
Jeffrey Nokes, Churchill Sheriff; own recognizance revocation (felony), own recognizance revocation (misdemeanor)
Eric Forstrom, Fallon Police; general probation violation, carrying concealed weapon
Anthony Sanchez, Fallon Police; violation of Temporary Protective Order
Jorden Tracy, Churchill Sheriff; false imprisonment, battery, battery constituting domestic battery
Sherry Sigurdson, Fallon Police; DUI, possession of dangerous drug
Caitlin Liddle, Nevada Highway Patrol; driving on streets laned for traffic
Debra Danner, Task Force; possession of controlled substance, possession of dangerous drug, possession of drug paraphernalia, possession of controlled substance for sale
Mildred Sullivan, Fallon Police; basic speed, DUI
Inmate Count: Males, 41; females, 14; Total, 55
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